SIMM Medical Imaging
Medical diagnosis imaging with the highest quality
and the care you deserve
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The site in English will be re-established as soon as possible.
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Text content
Medical diagnosis services by Nuclear Medicine molecular and metabolic imaging. Our goal is the satisfaction of our patients, through personal treatment and medical diagnosis. We put the highest technology at your disposal.

Let us know your questions, doubts, comments or suggestions.
You can write us, send us an email or visit us.

Josep Irla i Bosch Street, 5, Building 2
Barcelona 08034, Catalonia, SPAIN
Phone (+34) 93 204 6439
Santa Rosa Street 39, Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona
Esplugues de Llobregat 08950, Catalonia, SPAIN
Phone (+34) 93 254 0470
FAX: (+34) 93 204 9641 · E-MAIL: info.simm@atryshealth.com
At ATRYS-SIMM your personal data is treated in accordance with the principles and rights contained in the GDPR law 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 and in the LOPDGDD law 3/2018 of December 5, 2018.
You can exercise your rights by contacting us by email to protecciondatos-sp@atryshealth.com.
Medical Imaging
Medical diagnosis imaging with the highest quality
and the care you deserve
We are experiencing problems with our site in English .
You can visit our site in Catalan where you will have access to all the content (in that language).
The site in English will be re-established as soon as possible.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Medical diagnosis services by Nuclear Medicine molecular and metabolic imaging. Our goal is the satisfaction of our patients, through personal treatment and medical diagnosis. We put the highest technology at your disposal.
Let us know your questions, doubts, comments or suggestions.
You can write us, send us an email or visit us.

Josep Irla i Bosch Street, 5, Building 2
Barcelona 08034, Catalonia, SPAIN
Phone (+34) 93 204 6439
Santa Rosa Street, 39
Esplugues de Llobregat 08950, Catalonia, SPAIN
Phone (+34) 93 254 0470
FAX: (+34) 93 204 9641
E-MAIL: info.simm@atryshealth.com
At ATRYS-SIMM your personal data is treated in accordance with
the principles and rights contained in the GDPR law 2016/679 of
April 27, 2016 and in the LOPDGDD law 3/2018 of December 5, 2018.
You can exercise your rights by contacting us by
email to protecciondatos-sp@atryshealth.com.